"No one is as deep and thorough as you are (it’s true!)"

~Michele, Belvedere neighborhood


"I had been looking for a housekeeper and am thankful to have found Rachel! She went above and beyond all expectations and I highly recommend her! Her rates are reasonable and she is a super nice gal who comes with a lot of great references."

~Jolene, Gatewood neighborhood


"You girls always do such a great job!"

~Sean, Alki neighborhood


"Oh my god - it's SO good to come home to! You're awesome!!"

~Kim, Lincoln Park neighborhood

"Shea did a GREAT job! The feedback I would give is that she rocked it. Thank you!!!!"

~Lisa, High Point neighborhood

"You know me so well!"

~ Brita, Pigeon Point neighborhood


"The house looks really great and everyone is happy."

~Erika, Genesee neighborhood


"She asked if she'd have to do any housekeeping and I said, 'We love Rachel - she's totally an integral part of our household - there's no way we could survive without her!'" [During interviews for hiring a new nanny] 

~Michelle, Seaview neighborhood


"WOW! You are incredibly thorough!"

~Leslie, Admiral neighborhood

[Leslie's mother used to own a housekeeping business]


"Everything was fantastic. Thanks so much for doing such a good job."

~Shirley, High Point neighborhood


"It's no surprise to me to hear you're so busy. If my very particular wife loves you, you must be good!"

~Audrey, Genesee neighborhood


"We want you to know: we can really tell - you've made a huge impact on our home."

~Alex, Alki neighborhood 


"We'll definitely contact your references, but the job you did here today is honestly good enough for me!"

~Jennifer, Junction neighborhood